What would you give to eliminate stress from your life?
Break Free from S.T.R.E.S.S. Training Program
Truly Life Changing
This online training program is a comprehensive journey of discovery, healing and transformation for women struggling with stress and overwhelm.
It's a proven effective method to help you run interference when in stress and get you out of your stress- induced process all together.
Not only does this program help you identify your pattern of stress but provides you with the tools to discover its origins, face those limitations, heal the connections and move forward in a transformational and empowered way.
The S.T.R.E.S.S. Training Program is an online ACTION based program that includes:
- 16 Modules
- Complete at your own pace
- 10 hours of information, tools and techniques to implement
- 2 x 60 min individual one on one sessions to help you implement the techniques
- S.T.R.E.S.S. Program Workbook
- Jo Dimoska Coaching specifically designed Daily Journal
Total value of $1,200.
The online training is available for only $148.99 when paid upfront. This low cost investment in yourself will provide you with the structure to eliminate stress from your life permanently.
What would you give to eliminate stress from your life?
What you will Gain:
Identify and define your triggers of stress (your stressors)
Define and identify your stress pattern
Understand the root cause of your stress
Understand how your belief system inpacts your stress
Heal the barriers associated with those triggers and your stress
Implement techniques to get out of the stress process all together
Build your awareness and the connections to your triggers
Interrupt the 'stress' from starting in a given situation
Eliminate your 'stress' from your life
Build a specific action plan that you can apply to almost any situation
Implement the STRESS methodology to all aspects of your life with the guidance and support in an individual one on one free coaching session
Get rid of the Negative Stress in Life
The feelings of overwhelm and worry are even more overpowering when fuelled by the memory of past experiences of similar scenarios. This leads to actions and reactions that are outside of our character hence leading into resolution tactics that have worked to resolve the problem before. And so continues this reoccurring pattern each and every time stress comes up. Isn't that right?
This program is a proven effective method to held you when struggling with stress. Not only does it identify your pattern but provides you with the tools to run interference and create new desired patterns of behaviour.
It's all about the actions you take and this program contains the ACTION based strategies that will guarantee you out of the stress induced process. Its a small investment into a lifetime of happy, joyful and carefree moments. Implement the techniques and use the method to ensure you live a stress-free life now and into the future. Wouldn't you love that?
Why this Program?
I’ve struggled with Stress and Anxiety all my life.
And I spent years trying different ways and methods to get rid of them even medications but I found that coaching gave me the best and sustainable results.
Through my professional coaching career, I’ve had the profound privilege to be part of so many women’s life journeys. And that’s specifically why I created this training. A collection of tools and techniques I’ve used on myself and my clients over the years here for you to implement and use to get rid of your stress, because I want you to get great results just like my clients did for themselves and so did I. I'm bringing together all the methods that have worked wonders for me and my clients, and I'm sharing them with you.
What's so different about this program?
Unlike other programs, this one is a one time and done deal. The Discover, Heal and Transform Process is a natural way of dealing with our wounds and moving on with life and that's the one I have implemented here to ensure that you get the best and the most sustainable results. Â You don't have to keep coming back to redo the same program over and over again. Invest one time in this program, use the method, apply it and practice it until you have developed the skills to no longer need it. Once you have applied the tools and techniques and mastered the S.T.R.E.S.S. method, you will change your whole life for the better.
Imagine what an amazing, productive and happy life that would be?
My name is Jo Dimoska
I've always sought solace and quiet. Always craved the calm and the peace but didn't know why exactly. Most of the time I was an outsider in my own family and the little friends I had. Often wondered why I was different to everyone around me, what was wrong with me but just kept on pushing and surviving each day until I found the answers. It took me years to actually discover that I was a prisoner of Anxiety and then some more years to find the right person to help me heal from it.
With the help of coaching I not only healed from my Stress and Anxiety but I discovered my true purpose in life. Now, I help others just like me by providing support and guiding them through their journey out of their Stress and Anxiety.
I'm a Life Coach, specifically coaching women in their transformational journey to stress-free and anxiety-free lives. Over my 25 years with Anxiety and whilst coaching clients in Stress and Anxiety, I discovered distinct and common patterns that appeared in all experiences that have led me to developed this specific method. Now, I choose to share this method with all that are struggling with stress and anxiety and want to get rid of that negative emotional experience all together.
Click the 'About Me' section below to read my Journey Story on my website.
The Journey of the S.T.R.E.S.S. Training Program is defined as the Discovery, the Healing and the Transformation Process. The modules covered in the S.T.R.E.S.S. Program are noted below and will be fully revealed as we progress through the program.
​The discussion topics in the Modules include integration work to be completed to discover the origins of your stress, the beliefs attached to it, the techniques and tools used to heal the past in order to transform and empower you to move forward and out of the stress process all together. Refer to the FREE Masterclass information page to get an insight of the content. You can also book in a FREE discovery session to find out if this is suited to your and your current circumstance.
The Discovery Process
Module 1: Life Without Stress
Intoductory Session
Module 2: Reservations
Module 3: Defining Stress
Module 4: The Stress Process
Module 5: Beliefs
Module 6: The Fundamentals
Module 7: The Power of Beliefs
The Healing Process
Module 8: Perception
Module 9: The Truth about Stress
Module 10: Building awareness
Module 11: The Ego's Games
Module 12: Dysfunctional Behaviour
The Transformation Process
Module 13: The S.T.R.E.S.S. Method
Module 14: Applying the S.T.R.E.S.S. Method
Module 16: The Assimilation (Summaries)
Module 15: Building Bridges